Privacy and cookie policy

As a Baltaztrans customer, you entrust Baltaztrans SIA (hereinafter - Baltaztrans or us) with your or your employees' personal data and grant us the right to process them in accordance with our Privacy Policy (hereinafter - the Policy). In this Policy you will find all information about what personal data we collect and process, for what purposes we use it, for how long we store it and other information about the processing of your data. Please read the Policy carefully and if you have any additional questions, please contact us using the contact information provided in this Policy. We draw your attention to the fact that the Policy may be amended, supplemented, renewed, of which Baltaztrans will inform you using the contact information provided by you. Personal data - any information that can be used to identify a person, as well as any information about a person who has already been identified. 1. What personal data do we process and why? Baltaztrans Logistics and transport services We trust that our clients, legal entities and employees of these clients, when submitting personal data to us, comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating the processing of personal data, including the obligation to inform employees about the transfer of data to cooperation partners. If you would like to receive a quote and entrust us with your contact information by filling out one of our contact forms on our website or by contacting our specialist by phone or online chat (name, company, email address, phone number, cargo related information, etc.), we we will use this data on the basis of your consent to contact you and make a price offer, as well as to clarify the information related to the cargo, if necessary. Term of data processing - for the entire period of time while the services are provided to you and for a longer period of time, if it is necessary for the protection of our interests and rights in connection with claims against us.

Commercial communications If you agree to receive Baltaztrans news, we will process your personal data (name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, address), providing you with such information in the manner of your choice - by e-mail, text message or post. Legal basis for data processing - consent. Data processing term - for the entire period of time as long as your consent is valid. We may retain information about the processing of data and evidence of your consent for a longer period of time Statistics, market and research of our customers' actions 2. From what sources do we collect your personal data? We collect your personal data only from you. You provide the data directly to us. 3. In what cases and to which recipients do we disclose your personal data? In order to provide the service, we will transfer your data to transport service providers, insurance service providers, as well as other service providers, as well as intermediaries providing the above services, such as insurance brokers. We may transfer your data to other data recipients who help us provide you with services. Such individuals may include database software providers, database administration service providers, data center maintenance and cloud computing service providers, direct marketing service providers, market research or business analytics service providers. In each case, we only provide data controllers with the amount of data that is necessary for the performance of a specific task or the provision of specific services. Our data controllers may process your personal data only on our instructions and may not use it for other purposes or transfer it to other persons without our consent. In addition, they are obliged to ensure the protection of your data in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations and the written agreement concluded with us, which provides, among other things, for the permanent deletion of any of your data after our task or cooperation. Data may also be transferred to competent authorities or law enforcement authorities, such as the police or supervisory authorities, but only in response to their requests and only if necessary in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, in the cases and in accordance with the procedures specified in the laws and regulations.

4. In which territories and jurisdictions do we process your personal data? We process your personal data only in the territory of the European Union and the territory of the European Economic Area. Data outside the territory of the European Union and the territory of the European Economic Area may be transferred only in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating data protection. 5. How secure is your data? We respect your privacy, so the security of your personal information is our priority. We use appropriate organizational and technical means to ensure the continued security of your personal data and the compliance of data processing with the requirements of data protection legislation and our internal regulations, including Baltaztrans undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of customers' personal data. We comply with the requirements of personal data protection legislation and take care in each data processing process to collect only the information necessary to achieve the objectives set out in this Policy. 6. What rights do data protection laws give you and how can you exercise them? Data protection laws give you rights that you are free to use by contacting us. We are committed to giving you the opportunity to exercise your rights. The right to obtain information about whether we process your personal data and, if so, which ones You have the right to receive our confirmation as to whether we process your personal data, as well as the right to get acquainted with your personal data that we process, information about the purposes of data processing, category of data processed, category of data recipients, data processing period, data sources . We provide most of this information to you in this Policy and we believe it will be useful to you. Right to request rectification of personal data If the data provided by you has changed or you see that the information we process about you is inaccurate or incorrect, you have the right to request that this information be changed, clarified or corrected.

Right to request rectification of personal data If the data provided by you has changed or you see that the information we process about you is inaccurate or incorrect, you have the right to request that this information be changed, clarified or corrected. Right to withdraw consent In cases where we process your data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and the processing of data based on your consent will be stopped. You can withdraw your consent to commercial communications at any time. Withdrawal of these consents will not limit your ability to receive Baltaztrans services. If your consent expires or is revoked or canceled, we will delete the data processed on your consent, unless there are other grounds for processing it in order to achieve other data processing purposes set out in this Policy. In any situation, we may keep your consent and proof of it for a longer period, if it is necessary to protect your rights in connection with claims against us. Right to lodge a complaint If you believe that we process your data in violation of the requirements of personal data protection legislation, we invite you to contact us directly. We believe that we will be able to dispel all your doubts, satisfy your requests and correct any mistakes we have made. If you are not satisfied with the solutions we offer or we do not think you are taking the necessary action, you have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority, which is the Data State Inspectorate in the Republic of Latvia (

Right to request deletion of data (right to be forgotten) If there are appropriate circumstances referred to in the personal data processing legislation, for example, if personal data is processed illegally, the legal basis for data processing is lost, you have the right to request that we delete your personal data. In the event that the personal data processed is used for other purposes mentioned in this Policy, such as to ensure the existence of evidence in the event of a claim, we may retain the relevant data to ensure that other purposes are achieved. Right to request restrictions on data processing If there are relevant circumstances referred to in the data processing laws and regulations, for example, if personal data is processed illegally, you dispute the accuracy of the data, you file objections to data processing based on our legitimate interests, you have the right to restrict your data processing. However, we note that due to restrictions on data processing and for the duration of such restrictions, we may not be able to provide the services provided to you by Baltaztrans. Right to data portability You have the right to request the portability of data that you have submitted to us in electronic form. Upon receipt of your request for data portability, we will ensure the exercise of your rights by issuing the data in a widely used and computer readable format or by sending your requested data in electronic form to the addressee of your choice, following the information provided in your request. 7. How can you contact us? The controller of personal data is SIA Baltaztrans, registration number 45403050199, address Patversmes 30-11, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia. You can contact us about all personal data processing issues in the following ways: By writing to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., By calling our information phone: +371 29602555

8. Cookies We use cookies, which are small information files that are sent to your computer or other device, such as a mobile phone, when you visit our website and are stored in your web browser in order to store data so that we can identify you. as a Baltaztrans customer when you, in particular, revisit our website. The information obtained through cookies allows you to browse our website more conveniently, provide you with attractive offers and learn more about the behavior of our website users, analyze trends and improve both the website and your service, as well as the services provided by Baltaztrans. Our website also uses third-party cookies. They are used to build a browsing history for each visitor in order to show you the ad that is right for you and to provide the best experience when visiting our website. If your browser allows you to set third-party cookies, our chosen partner will be able to set their own cookies in your browser.